Senin, 11 Oktober 2021

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Exploring Historical, Sociological, Political Sources of Pancasila Education (Citizenship Education in Indonesia)

1. Sources of the History of Pancasila Education

Historically, Pancasila was not born in 1945 just like that, but has gone through quite a long process, which was later perfected by the history of this nation's struggle itself, by referring to the great ideas of the countries in the world, while at the same time remaining guided by the nation's own personality.

The important values ​​contained in Pancasila are: Divinity, Humanity, Unity, Society, and Justice which have been objectively owned by the Indonesian people since ancient times before the founding of Indonesia. If we go back again, the historical process from the days of the kingdom to colonialization is the process of forming the Republic of Indonesia today.

Basically, Pancasila has values ​​that are owned by the Indonesian people themselves even before Pancasila was formulated and ratified as the basis of the Indonesian state. This means that the values ​​of Pancasila itself come from the Indonesian nation, or the Indonesian nation as a materialist Pancasila.

In the reform era, the Indonesian people must have a strong vision and outlook on life or nationalism. This is intended so that as a nation it is not easy to be dragged into the midst of international relations. This can be done with a national consciousness rooted in the nation's history.

Therefore, based on several things that have been stated previously, the author can conclude that Pancasila was formed from a strong historical foundation. Starting from the royal era, the values ​​of Pancasila were present in the life of the nation at that time. Thus, the elements of Pancasila always have an attachment to the life of the Indonesian people. The values ​​contained in each element of Pancasila are then formulated and ratified as the basis of the State. As the foundation of the state, Pancasila must always be used as a reference in acting in the life of society, nation and state. So, with this, all existing laws and regulations must not conflict with the values ​​of Pancasila.

2. Sociological Sources of Pancasila Education

Sociology is implemented as a science of human life. It examines various backgrounds, compositions and patterns of social life of groups and community groups, as well as research on social issues, changes and reforms in society. Soekanto (1982: 19) states that from a sociological perspective, society exists at a time and place that has certain values. In addition, through this sociological approach, we are expected to be able to examine social structures, social processes including social change, and social problems that need to be done wisely by using standard values ​​that refer to the values ​​of Pancasila. Unlike other nations, the Indonesian nation bases its perspective on social, national and state life on cultural principles that are owned and embedded in the nation itself. The state and social values ​​contained in the Pancasila principles are not only the conceptual results of a person, but also the great work of the Indonesian nation itself which is taken from the cultural values ​​that are owned by everyone which describes the philosophy of the founding fathers of the country (Kaelan, 2000: 13).

Read Also: Perwujudan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan dalam kehidupan sehari hari

3. Political Sources of Pancasila Education

The phenomenon of the political life of the Indonesian nation is one of the interesting materials in education. Because the mindset of the Indonesian people in political life is carried out based on five precepts, the mindset to build a pure and absolute political life carried out by all Indonesian people must be in accordance with the five precepts, namely God Almighty, Just and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Led Society by Wisdom of Wisdom in Consultation/Representation and with full reliance on Social Justice. Pancasila political ethics can be used as an instrument in testing the state's political behavior, especially as one of the critical choices to determine the rights of government policies and actions by looking at the conformity and actions of the government with the meaning of the principles of Pancasila. .

Everyone involved in administering the Indonesian government must comply with political ethics. Starting from the executive, legislature, judiciary, enforcers must be aware that the legitimacy of the law and the legitimacy of democracy must also be based on moral legitimacy. Therefore, the Pancasila values ​​absolutely must be owned by the governing authorities, so as not to cause various deviations, as is often the case today. For example, corruption, collusion and nepotism, bribery, murder, terrorism, and narcotics as well as infidelity among the political elite have become societal stereotypes.

However, in the application of Pancasila ethics in Indonesia, there are still many obstacles, namely:

  1. Political ethics is trapped in the ideology itself. When someone judges an ideology, he will definitely look for its weaknesses and shortcomings. This raises the belief that political ethics is an effective and efficient method for criticizing ideology, then political ethics becomes an ideology itself.
  2. Pancasila is a philosophical system that is more complete than the political ethics of Pancasila, so that any criticism directed at Pancasila by the political ethics of Pancasila cannot come out of Pancasila itself because such criticism will produce nothing.

Behind all the obstacles, it does not mean that the political ethics of Pancasila cannot be an instrument or a way of studying a Pancasila. The first obstacle can be overcome by expanding the political ethics of Pancasila to criticism from any exit, so as not to be trapped in the circle. The second obstacle can be solved by showing criticism at the practical level of Pancasila first, then gradually tracing to a more general understanding until the ontology of Pancasila uses moral principles. 

Read also: Perwujudan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan dalam kehidupan sehari hari 

B. The important reason for Pancasila education

In my opinion, Pancasila Education courses are very important and useful for students in universities, because Pancasila education is not enough to be obtained or learned when we are in elementary, junior high, and high school even though we have not received any education. We have to study Pancasila or civic education and use it in our daily life, because we have to know about the rights & obligations that we get as Indonesian citizens.

Pancasila is a source of value in the life of society, nation and state for the Indonesian people. Therefore, the entire order of social, national and state life should use Pancasila as the moral basis or norms and benchmarks for attitudes, changes, and good, bad, and right behavior, as an Indonesian nation.

Benefits of Pancasila education for students after getting Pancasila Education Courses in Higher Education:

  1.  For that students are able to become citizens who have views and commitment to democratic values ​​and human rights.
  2.  For that students are able to participate in efforts to prevent and stop various acts of violence intelligently and peacefully.
  3. For that students have concern and are able to participate in efforts to resolve conflicts in society based on moral, religious and universal values.
  4. For that students are able to think critically and objectively about state issues, human rights and democracy.
  5. For that students are able to contribute and provide solutions to various public policy problems.
  6. For that students are able to prioritize basic values ​​wisely (cultured).

The importance of Pancasila education can also strengthen the national spirit of students so that they become the main movers (leitmotive) and guiding stars (leitstar) for prospective leaders in various fields and levels. In addition, so that the candidate for the baton is not easily influenced by foreign ideologies that can encourage violating the values ​​of Pancasila. Pancasila education is important in higher education as an answer to the world's challenges by preparing young people who have knowledge, understanding, appreciation, appreciation, commitment, and patterns of practicing Pancasila. It aims to produce graduates who become the core strength of development and holders of national leadership at all levels of state institutions, state institutions, regional institutions, political infrastructure institutions, business institutions, and other professions that uphold the values ​​of Pancasila.


Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs. 2016. Pancasila Education. Jakarta: Publisher of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.


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